起程回Khorog,中午停在Allinchur短暫用過午餐後,到附近泡溫泉。一大間女用溫泉池只有我一人,泡起來真過癮,空氣中的水氣透著由窗外灑進的陽光,有種置身不同時空的錯覺 (感覺可能是泡太久了就趕快起來)。
Returned to Khorog and stopped in Allinchur for a quick lunch then enjoyed hot spring nearby. There was only me in the women bathroom, a private huge bathroom, so nice. Looking outside of window through sunshine in moist air caused illusion of time travel. I thought: maybe i stay here for too long, it is better to get up now.
Landscape in Pamir highway is still magnificently impressive, however, our driver was getting more and more annoying. He kept horning to every car in front of him to push them away. When we were getting closer to Khorog, we saw more and more avalanche and some of them extended as long as around 3,000m. Suddenly our car spun out and almost crushed to the snow hills on the side of cliff. Thanks to Gods, our life was saved.