附近小鎮Auvernier上周末在湖邊有一連三天的爵士音樂會,請來鼎鼎大名的Richard Bona。我們選擇周日去,活動從下午1:30開始到晚上8:30一連有四場演出,Richard Bona和他的團隊當然是壓軸,果然也最精彩,不但音樂演出吸引人,他的人也很幽默。表演結束後,觀眾們捨不得離去,掌聲不斷,Richard Bona + team 出來加演一曲,結束後掌聲依舊不斷,Richard又出來再次謝票( 謝票? 一時找不到其他辭彙,大家忍耐一下),說這次是真的最後一曲,並告訴音響控制師,這一次我要這曲長長到讓他們吐,邊唱邊拿起礦泉水瓶喝水,末了還加上用手指沾水灑水仿巫術的動作,笑壞一票人。


Last weekend, there is a jazz festival continuely for 3 days and well-known Richard Bona is definitely the highlight even other musicians are also very perfessional. We bought the tickets for Sunday and program started from 13:30 to 20:30 in total 4 bands. Richard Bona is not only a great musician but also has sense of great humor. After his performance, people kept clapping hands so he came out with his team to perform another song for the 1st time. People still didn't want to leave and kept clapping hands, he came out again from backstage and said to us that this was really the last song. While he was singing he took a bottle of water to drink and sprinkled water to make him look like a witch, people couldn't help with laughing including us. 

Enjoying high quality of music with food stands around and having the chance to dip in the lake between performance is absolutely one of nice summer activity. 






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