

Last visit to Budapest was in summer 2013 and I didn't feel much change while visiting again last weekend. Hubby thought that the traffic was improved a lot as he didn't see heavy traffic jam same as 4 or 5 years ago. Our transport to downtown was arranged in advance, therefore there is no need to exchange with horrible rate at the airport. It is recommended to have some Forint with you before you are arrived due to you may need it to take bus or taxi to downtown. No subway yet so far. 

Along the river Danube there is many historic buildings, including the banks of the Danube itself is a World Heritage Site. Budepest looks dramatically different in day and at night - it is a scholar studying historic culture in day time and turns to be a charming lady at night. What a pleasant walk along the banks of the Danube in the breeze at night. We lost track of time.

Budapest attracts many young generations and definitely a perfect city for parties except of a cultural journey. 


路過一家Hostel看起來很不錯,名字是Grandio Hostel. Passing a hostel which looks good. 


 城市一角的一座小公園,背景是畫上去的,真是個絕佳點子 The background is a wall with painting, a cool idea


鏈子橋夜景 night view of chain brige 



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