
前往Khorog沿途風光美不勝收,山巒呈現多種顏色的風貌讓我目不轉睛,雖然泥土路因積雪融化而產生泥擰,加上司機得一直閃路面上的坑坑洞洞,坐車本身不是很享受的一件事,但一切都是值得的。延著Pyanj River行駛,是我這輩子到目前為止最接近阿富汗的時刻。

車上一名男性乘客不停地告訴多福(有時我會慶幸我不會講俄語),Samarkand, Bukhara (此二城現屬於Uzbeckistan)和阿富汗都是塔吉克所屬,講到激動之處他的手臂就在我們面前揮舞,歷史會改變,而且要說阿富汗屬於塔吉克實在牽強,但看到一名年輕男性實未經歷這些歷史,卻如此執著於過去,挺有趣。


We waited from 11:00 to 13:30 and finally the driver showed up even he is not the same one whom we met yesterday we were happy. Scenery is amazing - mountains dressed in different colors, green, brown, orange with snow-covered mountains behind. Tajikistan offers more various scenery, comparing with Kyrgystan and Uzbeckitan. Driving along Pyanj river, we were so close to Afghanistan. 

A guy next to hubby in shared taxi talked loudly to him that Samarkand, Bukhara and Afghanistan belong to Tajikistand and waved him arm in front of our faces when he got too excited. Poor hubby...12 hours is really too long and we had only one short break for dinner. It was 2:00 in the midnight already when we arrived and lucky the hotel owner was woken up by our driver so we could rest after a super long day. 

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