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蜂蜜薑棗茶 (約兩人份)



1. 大紅棗洗淨後去核切碎更能釋放味道和營養。
2. 生薑洗淨帶皮切成絲狀也較能煮出薑味,喜歡薑味重些可以放多一點薑或煮久一點
3. 將大紅棗碎片和生薑絲連同冷水500cc用中火一起煮開,總約20分鐘。
4. 等茶湯稍微溫點後加入枸杞和蜂蜜 (以保留枸杞和蜂蜜的營養) 攪拌均勻,就可以享受一杯既甜蜜又溫暖的薑棗茶。

There have been snowing for a while in the mountains in Switzerland and the temperature is at least 5 degree lower than where we live. Even though it doesn't snow but it is always foggy these days which makes me only want to stay at home and to drink a cup of hot tea. So, why not a cup of ginger date tea with honey? Gingers help to keep our bodies warm and Chinese dates nourish our blood. This drink is suitable for most of people but not diabetes patients as sugar content of dates is high. 

Honey Ginger date tea (for 2 portion)

Ingredients: Chinese date 6 pieces; Ginger with skin 20g; a pinch of lycium; cold water 500cc;honey 2 tsp


1. Wash the Chinese dates then remove the core and chop then into small pieces to release taste and nutrition better. 
2. Wash ginger well but keep the skin. Cut it into stripes. 
3. Put Chinese dates and ginger in cold water and cook them with medium heat, total around 20 mins. 
4. Pour out tea and once it is a bit cooler, add lycium and honey at the end to keep nutrition of lycium and honey. 
It is suggested to eat the whole grain of lycium to get its nutrition. Honey can be replaced with brown sugar. 

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